WordPress Website Support Made Easy - With our “Website Improvement Care Plans”

Discover the faster, easier way to get website work done.

Website Management Services

Website Improvement Care Plans
Starting at Only $67/Month!

This service is designed to offer you peace of mind and the assurance that you have a skilled partner who can help you achieve your online objectives..


Website security and maintenance plan




  • 1 WordPress Supported Site
  • All WordPress, Theme & Plugin updates
  • Security & Malware scans - daily
  • Uptime Monitoring & Performance Scans
  • Bi-Weekly Website Backups w/ Restore
  • Email support
  • Monthly Maintenance Report
WIC Unlimited

Unlimited improvement and marketing services




  • All WIC Standard Plus...
  • Website Development
  • Unlimited Website Support
  • Priority Support (Phone, Email & Text)
  • Marketing Campaign Creation & Management
  • Email List Building & Funnel Creation
  •  Monthly Marketing Strategy Calls

*What are 'Short Tasks'? These are client requested tasks that take approximately 30 minutes to complete—e.g. add product images, upload testimonials, adding a new webpage.

Why Choose Us?

Your time is very valuable and our goal is to help you take care of the day-to-day tasks and headaches that come with owning a website. With our monthly website management services, you can set your mind at ease and focus on your business. Below is a list of services that are included:

All WordPress, Theme & Plugin Updates:

Let us update your site for you - we can do this almost as soon as a new WordPress update is released, which includes core, themes and plugins. In other words, you don't have to worry about updates. We will take care of them for you!

Security and Malware:

Did you know that there are over 90,000 attacks on WordPress sites every minute? Security features are one of the most important aspects of owning a website. That's why we've designed our system with advanced security features to keep your site safe from nasty bots and hackers, keeping your data safe.

Backups and Restore:

Did you have your WordPress site hacked or experience repeated problems following a software update? We will get it back up and running with our backup & restore service that will make the recovery process as painless as possible.

Fix WordPress Errors:

A WordPress site can be plagued by a variety of issues like errors and security breaches. As developers, our team of experts is always available to troubleshoot and repair any issue on your site.

Monthly Report:

Each month we will provide an updated report on the status of your site. This report will tell you what we found and how we fixed it.

Uptime Monitoring:

We will monitor your website response time to maintain a high-quality experience for your visitors. So if your website goes down, we will know instantly and will be on top of it.

Priority Care Support:

You're a busy person with more important things on your plate. You shouldn't have to worry about the site technical details when you can get priority care by our support team which will take care of everything for you!

Discounted Website Development Services:

Beyond our wide variety of maintenance services, we also offer discounted web page design services, so that if you need to build a new site or are in search of design inspiration, just let us know.

What Our Users Are Saying?

I really appreciate how quick and efficient your service is. We had a lot of complicated requests and you all completely understood what we were looking for and delivered above our expectations. Thanks for an awesome job!

Roslyn E. - Executive Director, TWRC

I needed an ascetically pleasing website to attract readers and sell books. Having a Website Improvement plan was the right choice. What I appreciate most is having access to their team AND not having to try to figure things out myself."

Janese Dixon - USA Today Bestselling Author

Don't Hesitate, Start Getting More Done Effortlessly!

If you would like to have a team of experts working on your website, so you can focus on marketing, sales and building relationships.... now is your chance.

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